African Model Village
Our beloved Huzooraba recommended to us during the National Amila mulaqat, August 29, 2021, that we sponsor an African Model Village, and the cost would be $90,000.00.
Huzooraba selected Sumanitinga, Ghana West Africa. Sumanitinga is a remote area in Ghana and has no electricity or water. It is not coming under any Government scheme for assistance.

What is a Model Village?
To provide training and community classes
To start a new business venture and develop financial security for the village. Projects like: Poultry and Fish Farming and Irrigation, and others.
Bringing MTA to these villages for tarbiyyat purposes.
Installed to feed various water points in the village.
African Model Village
Promote cleanliness and ensure all waste is stored in one location.
Provided by Solar streetlights; to light a safe passage to the village and boost security at night.
To improve vehicular/cycle access to the village and for the safety of villagers to move around the village.
To look appealing. The landscaping will include painting houses, plant trees, and build fences where needed.
Construction Smart Goals
The construction of this African Model Village has “Smart Goals”. The timeline is nine months, and the cost is $90,000.00. Each month has a target feature for the village and cost. Example: The first month is for the initial survey and boreholes, cost is $20,000.00, and moves along the timeline with completing the other features. The nineth month, inshaAllah, will be the completion and inauguration. Maybe some of us will be able to travel to see this African Model Village in its fruition, inshaAllah. More detail of the plans will come soon.
Project Start
Initial Surveys and Borehole ($20,000)
Start of Design
Design Complete
Start of Procurement ($30,000)
Start of Construction
Construction ($10,000)
Procurement Complete ($10,000)
Water Network Installed
Street Lights Installed
Community Center Constructed
MTA System Installed
Road and Beautification Completed
Toilets Constructed ($10,000)