San'at-o-Dastakari (Handicraft)
Our Goal
“The real objective of Hadhrat Musleh Maudra in establishing this department was to provide work for needy women so that they may improve their living standard.
Hadhrat Musleh Maudra states: ‘No one should remain idle. In our nation, no one should remain inactive. Everyone should do hard work, learn skills and, when the need arises, should not feel dependent upon others.”
(Lajna Constitution pg. 32)
Cottage Industry
The goal of the Cottage Industry is to support the talent of our members and provide an opportunity for commerce in order to attain a level of economic self-sufficiency.
Maryland Handicraft Highlights
Between April-June 2021, Maryland Lajna were able to raise $1,370 for different charities including Humanity First's Eid Gifts for Children in need and Fast2Feed campaigns, Middle East Children's Alliance, and the PCRF.
Make a Mask Project
In response to Covid-19, the Make a Mask initiative is a partner project with Humanity First to produce and distribute masks to those in need in our community.
Hadrat Amman Janra: An Inspiration for Us All, p. 188