
Khidmat-e-Khalq (Social Services)

Our Goal

"He who submits himself wholly to Allah and is a doer of good, he has, surely, grasped a firm handle.  With Allah rests the end of all affairs".

Service to Humanity

Focused Initiatives


Shura Proposal #2 Guidelines
Refugee Support Form

This form is intended for refugee families who have arrived in the United States within the past 3 years.

Asylee Support Form

This form is intended for Asylees who have arrived in the United States and submitted an asylum, and their cases are still pending.

Financial Support for Members

Reminder that financial assistance may be available through Jama'at resources for those in need. Please discuss with your local president. Jazakallah.

Resources for the Education & Employment of Women (RENEW)

The goal of RENEW is to provide refugee women with online services to improve their English fluency skills as a stepping-stone to social integration, educational opportunities and economic security! Please follow us on social media for latest updates.

Make a Mask Project

In response to Covid-19, the Make a Mask initiative is a partner project with Humanity First to produce and distribute masks to those in need in our community.

“By Khidmat-e-Khalq, I do not mean the service of Ahmadis or Muslims alone. Rather, I mean a service of all of Allah's creations, without distinction of religion or nation, to the extent that even if an enemy is in difficulty, you should help him. This is the true sense of Khidmat-e-Khalq.”
Al Fazl 1952

Contact the Khidmat-e-Khalq Department

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