Waqf-e Jadid
Our Goal
Foster a culture of widespread and exemplary participation in Waqf-e-Jadid

Aims of Waqf-e-Jadid
- Propagation of the teachings of Islam
- Training and upkeep of mu’allemeen (teachers) around the world
- Education and moral training of Ahmadis in rural communities
- Publication of literature
- Publication of the Holy Qur’an
- Construction of mosques and mission houses
- Establishment of schools
- Establishment of radio stations in various countries to broadcast teachings of Islam
- Establishment of hospitals
- Other humanitarian works
Lajna Ima’illah Goals
- Our goal is 100% participation as well as increase in contribution. All Lajna and Nasirat are to be encouraged to contribute to this scheme no matter how nominal it may be. And those who are already contributing are to be encouraged to increase their level of sacrifice even if by a small percentage.
- Contribution targets will be assigned to every Majlis.
- Lajna and Nasirat are to be encouraged to pay their own Waqf-e-Jadid contribution on the Lajna side or online.
- Lajna are to be encouraged to pay the contribution for their children under the age of seven on the Lajna side or online.
Special emphasis is to be laid on including new Ahmadis in the Waqf-e-Jadid system. Huzooraba stated in his Friday sermon of January 9, 2015: “Strong connections are made when new Ahmadis are included in financial giving system. Along with development of faith it also builds strong connection with the administration of Jama’at.”
Inculcating the habit of sacrifice in children
In his Friday sermon of January 4, 2008: "Hadrat Khalifatul Masih (aba) said that Hadhrat Khalifat-ul-Masih 111rh promoted Waqf-e-Jadid particularly among children and, through the blessings of this scheme, half of the contributions from Pakistan are from children. It is most gratifying that our Community has children with such spirit; they are indeed an assurance of the blessings to continue in the generation to come. Huzur urged parents worldwide to focus on this. He asked the Waqf-e-Jadid secretaries, the Nasirat and Atfal secretaries to also take note. Awareness of the blessing of Waqf-e-Jadid should be raised among children. Those who will grow up with this awareness in this materialistic world will not only become an asset for the Community but their personal lives will also be rewarded by Allah due to this."
Kindly urge all children (under the age of 15) to become Nanha Mujahid by sacrificing $50 or more of their own money toward the blessed Waqf-e-Jadid Scheme. This money should be earned, and it may be received even from parents, for example by performing certain tasks around the house. The names of Nanha Mujahid are sent to Huzoor for special prayers.
The Holy Prophetsa (Tirmidhi Babu Fadlul Nafqatu Fi Sabilillah)