Isha'at (Publications)
Our Goal
Publicize Lajna activities, publish internal literature, and foster a culture of writing amongst Lajna
Read the latest Lajna Matters issue!
The next issue of Lajna Matters is now available for members to enjoy. Within this issue you will find highlights from Jan-Dec 2023.

The Ayesha
The Ayesha is the official publication of Lajna Ima’illah, USA, named in honor of Hazrat Ayeshara, wife of the Holy Prophet of Islamsa. Hazrat Ayeshara was renowned for her piety, character and learning, and is a model and guide for Muslim women for all times. It is reported that the Holy Prophetsa said of Ayesha, “Half of your religion (Islam) can be learned through her.” Ayesha Magazine is published quarterly on the instructions of Hazrat Khalifatul Vaba.
It features articles, poems, personal reflections and mention of notable women of excellence, contributed by the members of Lajna Ima’illah-USA. It also features synopsis of current issues from an Islamic viewpoint. You can find the Islamic viewpoint on
Climate Change,
Political Polarization and more in our previous issues. If you would like to be published, find out here on how to contribute. We welcome your feedback, comments and contributions.
Hazrat Musleh Ma'ood, Khalifatul Masih II (ra), stated that, "Newspaper is a sign of the vitality of a nation. The nation that wants to stay alive should keep its newspaper alive and should cultivate the habit of reading it."
You might be aware that activity reports of many countries are published in the Daily AlFazl International. The USA Jama'at is lagging behind in this regard. Accordingly, Lajna Ima'illah USA has been instructed to regularly send Lajna activities' reports for publication in the Daily AlFazl International.
Kindly send your reports to ishaat@lajnausa.net with AlFazl in the subject line, and copy the related National Secretary.
Your reports should consist of the following:
- Brief reports in Urdu and English in Word format with some details.
- Please include the name of the person who compiles the Urdu report. This will help us form a team.
- A few photos that cover the audience and speakers.
- Please don’t send only a copy of the program, but brief details of the event as mentioned above.
- Please make appropriate reports on events like Masih-e-Maood day, Khilafat day, etc. as mentioned above.
- You could also send nikah and birth announcements pertaining to your local members.
- The announcement of a member's death and/or a brief obituary could be sent as well.
The published reports of your Jama'at in the Daily AlFazl International become a part of History. Preserve your Jama'at's history in this manner.

New Children's Publications

Tales to Live By
Lajna Ima'illah | 38 pages
A beautiful book of moral tales retold from the writings of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II and V.

I Love Allah
Lajna Ima'illah | 16 pages
Toddlers and young children will love following Amal and learning about blessings from Allah.

Hazrat Adam(as) - The First Prophet of Allah
Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya
A book series for children of all ages, with engaging and colorful illustrations.

Hazrat Nuh (as) - The Prophet who Built the Ark
Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya
A book series for children of all ages, with engaging and colorful illustrations.
Lajna Publications
Taleem-O-Tarbiyat Workbook Archives
Lajna Matters Archives
- Issue 1
- Issue 1
Full - Issue 2
Full - Issue 3
Full - Jalsa Bulletin
- Issue 1
Full - Issue 2
Full - Issue 3
Full - Jalsa Bulletin
- Issue 1
The Promised Messiahas